Your Value Binder – Separating You From the Competition

Strategy Web

Standing Out In The Sales Process

If you’re looking for one solid way to stand out from your competition in the eyes of a potential customer, building a value binder may be the most valuable and profitable way to do it.

This tactic will work for professional service companies, manufacturing, and industrial service. This tactic will work for non-profits and it will work for companies that sell to residential consumers.

And the best part – it doesn’t have to cost you a penny.

What Is A Value Binder?

It’s simply a library of resources that helps potential customers get the information, clarity, and answers they need to the questions, issues, and concerns they have about your business, your products, and your service.

Also called Learning Center or blog, your value binder can be a collection of text and video and most often lives on your website in a designated area.

What Goes In It?

Answers – lots of through, objective, and honest answers.

If you’re like many business owners, you answer the same questions many times over from a number of various clients and customers. Sometimes it’s via email and sometimes it’s in person.

Often times the questions come from folks who may be exploring the product or service you offer for the first time. They are looking for an answer to a problem. They are looking for guidance. And, perhaps most importantly, they are looking for someone to trust.

You already know the type of questions, and even the exact questions, you’re going to get from those folks. You know the questions they want to ask and you know the questions they don’t realize they’re going to ask yet.

That’s because you have the experience. What is new to them is second nature to you.

And, if you’re like many business owners, each time you are asked that question, you try to remember what you said last time – what worked and what didn’t.

And, if you have employees, you hope they say what you say. Or, more importantly, you hope they say something close to what you say.

Wouldn’t it be great if you took all that experience – that customer value – and documented it so that you could use it over and over again?

The Opportunities You Didn’t Get To Have

I have many business owners tell me that their closing percentage is high. They tell me things like “Cary, if we can just get in the room with them, we do a great job answering their questions and closing the deal.”

That’s great to hear. But there are two business challenges to that statement:

Other businesses – your competitors – say the same thing.

That’s not a scalable activity – you can only be in one place at a time.

Why do you think it is that the closing percentage is so high if you – or your competitors – can get in the room? It’s because most businesses look the same from afar and customers can’t see what makes them different. If they meet with someone, they get to judge for themselves if it “feels like” you’re a business they want to work with.

In a meeting, they have the opportunity to decrease the barrier of the unknown by interacting with you and getting the information that matters most to them. They are given the opportunity to increase their confidence in their decision to work with you.

They are given the opportunity to trust you.

But in order for your business to benefit from that experience, you have to be asked by the customer to meet.

Your Binder Will Work For You

When your binder is full of answers and through information to specific questions that buyers have questinos about, it will help increase the number of folks that want to talk with you – and meet with you – for their business needs.

It will help get more of the meetings that your competitors are getting – and closing – to meet and close with you instead.

That’s what the value binder can do for your business.